In the brief time since my introduction to the wonderful creation that is Javascript, I’ve come to the conclusion that Javascript and I are going to be very good friends. Compared to the other programming languages in my repertoire, there’s an aspect of flexibility with this programming language that I find extremely refreshing and look forward to experimenting with.
There are still some quirks that I’ll need to adjust to. After becoming so used to the way other languages treat functions, Javascript’s first-class functions feel a bit like “cheating.” Perhaps, I’m just so early into my experience with this language that I’m in some kind of “honeymoon phase” where Javascript can do no wrong, but aside from my initial intimidations, I can seriously state that I wish I had picked it up sooner.
My feelings towards the concept of athletic software engineering are quite identical to how I feel about typical exercise — I dread it but I know it will be good for me in the long-run. When I was struggling in my calculus class a few semesters ago, I used a similar method of picking out practice problems and trying to finish them within an allotted time period to prepare myself for the timed exams. But I don’t think that I would have even thought to apply this method of studying to a computer science class.
Admittedly, programming has always been more of a “sit, stare at a screen, and throw everything at your code until something sticks” experience for me. And while it wasn’t efficient, it got the job done — which is not necessarily a sentiment I want to carry into this semester.
I realized just how crucial efficiency was during my first ever WOD (Workout of the Day; a class-adopted CrossFit term). Unsurprisingly, I experienced a bit of my usual test nerves and found myself having to repeatedly retype words that I mispelled or forgetting basic syntax, despite having been able to do these things correctly during practice WODs. And with the way my hands were shaking, you might have thought that I was taking a final exam. But no, I have now truly accepted that my Thursdays were no longer just “Thursdays” but rather WOD-days that I would have to train for and dedicate myself to.
I might have dramatized the experience, but this peek into my future with Javascript and athletic software engineering has only encouraged me to challenge myself and learn to be more confident in my decisions as a programmer. Though I expect to undergo some aches and pains, I’m looking forward to seeing a better version of myself by the end of it.
”Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”